Tee-Time Booking Guidelines
We take member requests 7 days a week. Members can login to our member website and enter which time they would like to play up to 14 days prior. The requests are then automatically placed into the tee sheet 5 days prior using a weighted lottery system. If you do not get a request in, or you are just looking to book a tee time, the booking window is 5 days.
New for 2025, we have introduced new cancellation policies, priority changes for Connaught Dual memberships, as well as other changes to our guidelines. Please click here for more information.
Non-Members can book tee times 5 days in advance. We hold 1 non-member tee time per hour. These non-member times are released back to the members 1 day before if they are not booked.
In addition to these times, any tee times that are not booked by the members when the requests run are open to non-members as well